Friday, July 17, 2009

I found...

Some old writing.

I mean, it's like 3 years old. And it's kinda angry. I'm sharing this one piece (mainly because I don't think many people read this... or particularly care)... and because i'm thoroughly amused by it.

3-12-06 -- beginning of a letter, but I don't know the recipient (oh, elissa bristow, you and your mysteries) Oh. And it's facetious. I think.

Just to let you know, I'm about to set myself up for my suicide. Just as long as we're clear on that... and you should probably feel guilty. You did, after all, persuade me to stay. Life. Ahhh... sweet, sweet life. It seems only natural that when something enters the world, bloody, naked, and screaming, something else should exit the world.


Sarah Stu said...

Ok 1) I read this religiously 2) I care 3)I dont like this little journal entry at all.

colleen said...

we ALL know i read uber drammatic was that...i went over some old lj writings a month ago and almost peed laughing at how emo i was....

~Kat~ said...

umm.... I'm glad you're not bloody and dead... REALLY glad and also, remind me to show you my very dramatic poem from 8th grade entitled "Child of the Sea". I think that I was watching way too much Anne of Green Gables at the time... she did a lot of dramatic recitations.